A major addition to an existing federation cottage, a neigbour of another of our projects. A family home, light/dark, private/public, old/new, inside/outside. A house of contrasts. Oriented to exclude a block of units and maximise northern aspect, this house is unashamedly modern. Soaring spaces, cantilevered roofs, dynamic and restrained. Colour dark, light, bright is used to articulate the architecture of the spaces. The curves of the landscape contrast the angular geometry of the addition. Respect for the old, embrace the new. Featured in indesign vol.28 February 2007 and 100 Dream Houses from Downunder published by Images Publishing in 2008.

Photographs by Geoff Friend Photography 2005

A journey through the Queens Park house is a journey of the senses. It is not only for the choice of materials, colour and texture, but also for the way they have been used to enthrall the senses that is part of the signature of Jones Architecture.

Joanette Seiden, indesign vol.28 February 2007